Bleeding The Way
It's 2024 so why are we still acting like periods are all hush-hush?! They impact half the population in ways that affect their lives, work, productivity, and overall well-being. So, why is it still so hard to talk about it, when it
Lighten Your Load
Are you feeling frazzled? Like your thoughts running away with themselves like a hamster on a wheel, going round and round, faster and faster
The Power of Tiny Gestures
Did you know that individuals send 40 – 150 micro messages in a 10-minute conversation or 2,000 – 4,000 verbal and non-verbal micro messages daily? I find that mind-blowing! In fact, according to body language researcher, Albert Mehrabian, communication is actually 55%
Navigating The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Why is it that those who are the worst at something seem to think they’re the best? Ever wondered why Nigel always knows more about recruitment than you because he’s “been through an interview or two in his time”
Slaying Your Imposter
Ever feel like someone’s just walked in, crashed the party and stolen your mojo? They’ve made you start questioning our value, your knowledge, and your capability, leaving you believing that everyone else has it all figured out and that you’re a
Re-imagining Organisational & Office Politics
Office politics is just influence by another name. Annie McKee Let me ask you a question How do you feel about office politics? … I can feel all those shudders from here! Now I may be on my own here, but I think office politics
The Power of Curiosity and Asking Questions
It’s time to supercharge your nosey Nelly and get geeky about curiosity - because, in the words of the great Justin Timberlake, It’s time to bring sexy-questions back! We’re Not Asking Enough Questions! Questions Are POWERFUL. They create connection, deep understanding and drive action. And
From Spreadsheets to Stories
Since the dawn of time, we've used stories to connect, teach, and inspire. But in today's world of information and data overload, standing out requires a powerful skill
Being More Commercial in HR
It’s not long ago that being in HR meant endless paperwork and compliance audits. It was boriiiing, beige and quite frankly, out of touch with the rest of business. So, why are we focussing on being commercial in HR? Because HR has WOKEN