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About Us

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Illustrated picture of Michelle Hartley FCIPD in a yellow jumper adorned with pink dolphin shapes.

Michelle: The Face
Behind People SORTED

Hi there! I’m Michelle, and I’m on a mission to be the HR person I never had and use my experience to transform HR teams from beige to brilliant. I believe in HR with a passion, and I want to share that passion with the world in the form of coaching and mentoring, human resources training, and activity-led learning through HRM best practices.

Oh, and did I mention my team-mates and partners in crime? There’s Silver, the mischievous Balinese cat who heads our Hooligan department, Rosie, the Bicolour Oriental cat who is our Chief Meowketing Officer, and Albie the flame-point Siamese, our Head of Mischief. Together, we’re here to bring a touch of fun and warmth to the world of HR!

Geeking Out on
HRM Best Practices

Where others see spreadsheets and policies, I see endless possibilities. I’m a geek for all things HR-related, and my superpower lies in my ability to connect anything and everything back to HR. From team dynamics to company culture, I can help you weave HR magic into every corner of your organisation.

Illustrated picture of Michelle Hartley FCIPD, juggling multi-coloured Lego bricks.
Michelle Hartley holding a sign that says "I work so my cat can have a better life"

Brilliant Futures

Throughout my career, I’ve created and delivered countless management development programmes, crafted successful business and people strategies, and transformed HR functions in various industries. However, it was in early 2021 that the spark ignited, and People Sorted was born. I saw a gap in the market for pragmatic people solutions, HRM best practices and development tailored specifically for amazing HR professionals like you!

I believe in injecting my own personal touch into everything by sharing real stories and experiences. And boy, do I have some tales to tell about burnout and recovery! I like to call it going from “beige to brilliant” because, trust me, there’s nothing dull about finding your spark again.

Collaboration Is Where Magic Happens

In our line of work, we thrive on collaboration. HR folks love to work with passionate individuals, awesome businesses, and exciting partners. Together, we can create sparks that ignite extraordinary results. It’s in the connectivity of those efforts that the magic truly happens. So, let’s join forces and turn those wonderful HR dreams into reality!

Weaving the Fabric of Success Through Connection

Life is a tapestry of connections, and I believe that work should be no different. Weaving threads of opportunity, we are dedicated to connecting people with careers that fulfill their passions, linking businesses with strategic solutions, and nurturing relationships that stand the test of time.

Thrive in Geekery and Lightbulb Moments

I am not here for dull ‘text and next’ training; I’m all about building a vibrant community. We create spaces and events where people can come together, connect, develop, and grow. It’s a place where the magic of learning and discovery thrives, where we get to share the gift of geekery and witness those awe-inspiring lightbulb moments. So, regardless of where you are in your career, there’s always a place for you in our thriving community.

Need a Trusted Ally?

Consider People Sorted your unwavering ally in all things HR. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of human resources, and I am here to help my fellow “people people” reignite their passion with creativity and excitement. Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the joy and value that HR brings, but fear not! I am here to guide, support, and cheer you on every step of the way. Your success is my success, and together, we’ll conquer any challenges that come our way.

Find your HR Mojo
with People SORTED

My mission is unique: I want to paint the world of HR in all its glorious technicolour and ditch boringly beige PowerPoint and tick-boxing. I’m on a quest to bring HR joy to everyone I meet, spreading magic wherever HR lives. With my unique twist on HR, I aim to revolutionise how people see and experience HRM best practices, one smile at a time.

So, whether you’re a business in need of HR wizardry or a HR enthusiast seeking guidance and inspiration, join us on this adventure. Together, let’s unlock the potential of HR and create a workplace where your mojo thrives every day!

Michelle Hartley pointing to the left looking amazed
This is Marée, a colorful new portfolio for presenting your work. If you’re a modern illustrator or a designer, we made Marée for you.